Quick Stats:

Age:  12+ years
Color:  Yellow
Gender:  Female
Manners:  Excellent
Crate Trained: Yes
Housebroken: Yes
Energy Level:  Low
Fence:  Preferred

Gets Along With:

✓ Cats
✓ Children
✓ Female Dogs
✓ Male Dogs
✓ Men
✓ Women



Adoption fee: $200

Physical appearance: Annie is a 12-year-old chow/Pitbull/Labrador mix. She is a medium size dog and weighs about 50lbs. She has the most adorable crinkled ears and her eyes will melt even the iciest of hearts,

Personality: Annie just wants you to love her 24/7. She is a total sweetheart and will look at you like she is staring deep into your soul. She does great with the dogs in her foster home, even the testy one. She also ignores the cats. Annie can be quite protective of her foster mom if she thinks something is dangerous, and her bark is a great deterrent. All Annie wants is to sit in your lap, stare longingly into your eyes and sneak a gentle lick now and then. She LOVES breakfast and dinner and even with her age, will get a major pep in her step and try to jump as her foster mom walks her food bowl over. You know she’s super excited when she nibbles and nips at your fingers while she trots by your side. She is an amazingly sweet girl that is just looking for the home to let her live out the rest of her days.

Why she’s in rescue: Annie was found by one of our volunteers when she ran out in front of her car.  It took no coaxing at all to get her into the car and she was taken to the shelter to be scanned for a chip. The owner was located but stated Annie was old and he didn’t want her anymore. The volunteer refused to leave her at the shelter (who could blame her!) and offered to foster her if we would find her the forever home she deserves.

Manners and training: Annie is potty, and crate trained, but she will have an accident in the house if not let out often.  She’s older and just can’t hold it like she used to. She is not destructive in the house and can be left out of the crate if someone prefers. She will also wear diapers without an issue. When her foster mom goes out she just naps on the couch or on the memory foam dog bed. She walks well on a leash but does need help getting in and out of the car.

Vetting: All our dogs are brought up to date on rabies, Bordetella, and combo, negative for intestinal parasites and heartworms, neutered and microchipped before adoption. Annie does have arthritis so steroid injections now and then help keep her pep in her step and reduce any pain. She has a couple of lumps and bumps but they have all been biopsied and found to be benign.