Happy Tails

There's no one better than our adopters to talk about our dobermans and their experience adopting, so we've asked them to do just that. Our adopters are our family for the life of the dogs they adopt and beyond.


Adopted April 2018

From the first time I had contacted GDR, Meredith was very nice and helpful.  She asked me what type of doberman was I wanting and she hooked me up with Ranger.  He is a dream come true and the perfect fit for me.  He came at a good time in my life and I am so thankful for all the wonderful, dedicated people at GDR.  The whole process in his adoption was a very nice experience. All my questions were answered and when I went to meet his foster mom, Elise she was such a sweet, kind person who cared about him.  I still send her and Meredith pics and all the staff at GDR have been such a blessing.  I highly recommend GDR to anyone who is looking for the right doberman.

Ziva (formerly Cherry)

Adopted May 2018

I can’t praise Georgia Doberman Rescue enough for the work they do in saving needy Dobermans!  I have partnered with GDR as both a foster and adopter.  The GDR staff follows strict rules to insure that the dogs in their care are placed in the best environments.  The process of fostering and adoption is completed with utmost integrity from start to finish. Before being placed in a home, families must meet with a member of the GDR staff in the home the dog will be placed.  The home is checked for safety and the family is informed of policies and expectations while the foster dog is in their care.  Our initial meeting with Suzanne Meers was very enjoyable. Not being familiar with the breed, it was so nice to hear personal experiences and insights about typical Dobie behaviors during our home visit.  All of our questions were answered and the needs of our family were considered before we mutually agreed to bring Cherry home.  She had a great deal of medical needs and GDR graciously covered her expenses.  The staff checked in with us regularly to make sure things were going well for both Cherry and our family and her health was always the highest priority for the rescue.

Our adoption experience was equally positive.  The GDR staff made sure our pup was spayed, fully vaccinated, and had a round of heartworm preventative before she became a part of our family.  The support has been overwhelming!  From the introduction to the breed to becoming a member of the GDR family, we have had nothing but a wonderful experience.   I would highly recommend to anyone that is interested in becoming either a foster or adoptive family, work with Georgia Doberman Rescue! They truly care about helping dogs that have been abandoned, abused or in need of a new home.  GDR is an organization with high standards and a big heart!  I’m so thankful to be a part of this great rescue group!  Our experience was so positive that we look forward to the day we can open our home to another needy pup!

Robin Martin

Abby (formerly Elsa)

Adopted May 2018

Our Georgia Doberman Rescue adoption process with precious Abby was very professional and thorough. I stumbled onto their Facebook page in March 2018 and it wasn’t too long before I saw Abby’s picture. Her precious name that was used then was Elsa. We fell in love with her pictures and bio.  I immediately emailed and the swift process began.
We could not be happier with sweet Abby and all the volunteers at Georgia Doberman Rescue. They are amazing and the effort put forth just to get Abby transported to our home was unbelievable . I can’t say enough kinds words about this rescue organization and the volunteers. We are beyond grateful.


Adopted December 2016

As my husband neared retirement we agreed to add a dog to our family. Our children both have dogs that we see often and felt we would enjoy having one of our own. Having rescued a Doberman years ago I knew that was the breed I wanted ~ loyal, smart, and active.
We started searching online for dogs, both puppies and adults, and found a mixed breed Doberman/lab that we attempted to adopt. At the last minute we were told someone else had already adopted her so our search continued. Through Petfinder we found Annabel at Georgia Doberman Rescue and filled out the application. We were anxious to complete the application process and bring her home before my husband had to return to work in another state. Our home visit went well and the following weekend we traveled to a park near Atlanta to meet Annabel. She seemed to take to us well, especially my husband who played ball with her ~ we now refer to her as a Doberman Retriever!  The first few weeks had their ups and downs, she was full of nervous energy, difficult to walk, escaped numerous times from her crate, etc...I was grateful to have the Georgia Doberman Rescue Adopters, Fosters, and Volunteers website available to offer help and advice ~ time after time they proved to be a valuable resource. It was a great help to be able to speak with her previous foster mom and ask questions about her behavior.
A year and a half later Annabel is a wonderful girl, loving, smart, goofy, and energetic. She is a quick learner and has come so far. We are currently working with a trainer to help us help her be the best dog she can be. Georgia Doberman Rescue is devoted to saving the lives of these precious dogs who through no fault of their own need a new place to call home. I can’t say enough good things about them and the wonderful people who work and volunteer with them.
Marian and Jeff Dunn and Annabel

Maggie and Rambo (formerly Tequila and Whiskey)

Adopted July 2016

The GA Doberman Rescue was the answer to our prayers!

In 2016, I was involved in a traumatic car wreck, which killed both dogs that were with me (Tucker the Bassett Hound and Shelby the Doberman).  Grieving their loss has been the hardest thing we’ve ever endured.  They would never welcome me at the front door again, but I walked away from a mangled car without a scratch.  It almost felt like Shelby & Tucker would never let anything bad happen to me.

While processing that immense loss, I learned that my husband and I still had so much love to give to a dog.  As firm believers in “adopt, don’t shop,” we found the GA Doberman Rescue.  Specifically, we found Maggie & Rambo (formerly Whiskey & Tequila).  We felt accustomed to having two dogs & learned Maggie & Rambo were likely together since birth and incredibly bonded. The rescue was not willing to adopt them out separately (a good sign of being focused on whats best for the dog).  Before meeting the Dobermans, we spoke with foster mom (Shelley) several times.  On multiple occasions, I cried on the phone with her – nervous about loving another dog as much as I’d loved my other two.  Each time I talked to Shelley, she was incredibly understanding of our grief and supportive in our efforts to adopt again.  She was very focused on making sure we got to know both Dobermans and ensuring we felt like it was a good fit for our family. Before long, we drove through 3 states to meet Foster mom & dad, who also drove several hours to meet us in Atlanta…in the heat of the summer.

Maggie & Rambo had us from the start.  I was surprised at how large he was (90lbs) and how small she was (55 lbs).  As soon as I saw them I knew I was taking them home.  It took my husband a minute, though.  It wasn’t until Maggie reached out for him to hold her paw that he was convinced….sucker.  We’ve had Maggie & Rambo for 2 years now and we still keep in touch with their foster mom.  Without her and without the GA Doberman Rescue, my house would be empty and my family incomplete.  I’ll always have a special place in my heart for the rescue & I’ll always send a Christmas card to the dog mom that saved Maggie & Rambo.

Ginger (formerly Tasha) and Mello

Adopted January and October 2016
My husband had been telling me for a long time that he wanted a Doberman,  We looked into breeders in our area but I really did not want to go through the puppy stage and wanted to adopt.  We found a rescue in Tennessee, where we live, went through the application process, got a dog, and ended up having to return him because he wasn’t a good fit with our small dog.  That particular rescue got very upset with us about that and stopped all communication.
Then we found GDR.  Our first contact with GDR was with Tracy.  She spent tons of time talking with us over the phone and answering tons of questions about the dog we were looking to adopt.  She was very knowledgeable and made us feel comfortable with the whole process.  We came to Atlanta to meet a potential adoptee and met at Danielle’s house.  Danielle had some concerns about the dog we were inquiring about, especially since we were first time adopters.  So she had another foster bring another dog (Tasha) and she also arranged for us to meet another dog (Bella).  She wanted to make sure we saw the personalities of the dogs and she also allowed us to bring our small dog with us on the meet and greets to see how they all got along.  We ended up adopting one of the dogs she arranged for us to meet that day.
After we had Ginger (Tasha) for a while, we decided we wanted another one.  The dog we were interested in was not in rescue yet so we decided to try fostering before committing to adoption.  GDR fosters and transporters met us halfway with him so that we didn’t have to drive all the way to Atlanta.  Koda and Ginger did not get along at all.  We ended up having to move him to another home.  My husband took him to Birmingham to the Harris’s house, who then took him on to his new family.   Danielle never made us feel like we did anything wrong.  She explained that’s why they foster…to make sure the house is a good fit for the dog and vice versa.
A short time later, Danielle contacted us about another male dog that we ended up adopting.  She met us around halfway with him.  All through the process, she and Allyson were always available (and still are) for questions and any helpful info they could pass on.  That has been invaluable, especially in the beginning.  I would highly recommend this rescue to anyone, and do so on a regular basis.

Caroline and Analee

Adopted May 2017
Our first exposure to Georgia Doberman Rescue started when we heard of a puppy mill/breeder that was busted in Chester, SC due to poor conditions.  The news reports stated that the county animal control was overwhelmed with 116 dogs and they needed fosters right away until the court case was settled.  We decided to reach out to GDR to volunteer to foster and this decision introduced us to a wonderful group of people.
Our first contact was with one of GDR’s board members.  She described the role of foster and the approval process, which involved a vet background check, questionnaire, and a home inspection.  The home inspection seemed a little intimidating at first since we just moved into our home and we had not completely unpacked.  As it turned out, it was nothing to be concerned with since we currently owned dogs of our own and GDR wanted to be assured that the foster dog’s temporary home would be clean, safe, healthy, and welcoming environment. After being approved, the foster coordinator contacted us with details on when we were to receive the dogs and the process for approval for vet visits. 
The foster dogs (Annalee and Caroline) had an adjustment period from coming from a neglectful situation.  They were elderly, extremely underweight, and had very little socialization.  The foster coordinator called on a regular basis to check up on the foster dogs’ progress and gave advice on how to help the foster dogs improve their health and gain weight.  GDR also gave us access to the GDR Adopters, Fosters, and Volunteers Facebook Group that gave us access to wonderful supporting people that had plenty of experience with Dobermans.  A member sent us a care package full of treats for the girls.
While we were fostering the Chester survivors (Annalee and Caroline), GDR reached out for us to help with a short term foster of a Doberman puppy.  We drove to a nearby town and brought the puppy home.  The next day we transported the puppy to her long term foster a short distance away. It was very hard letting that puppy go, but helping to save a life was a great feeling and this feeling opened the door for us to volunteer to transport and foster in the future.
When the court case concluded, the previous owner was forced to release all the dogs.  Due to Annalee and Caroline’s advanced years, health and socialization issues we decided that it was in the girl’s best interest if we adopt them so they could spend their remaining years in a familiar home.  Annalee and Caroline continue to make progress with their socialization and are enjoying a much better life now than where they spent the majority of their lives.  Everyday at breakfast and dinnertime, they are still so excited to be fed with their own bowls.  Caroline’s favorite activity is watching our/her cats and Annalee enjoys chewing on her balls and kong bones.  The girls enjoy taking turns sitting in the dog chair in an air conditioned/heated home and getting petted.  These princesses are living happily ever after.   They are loved.
After the adoption, we continue to be active on the GDR Adopters, Fosters, and Volunteers Facebook Group to help transport dogs and help give advise based on our experiences with social and health issues of Dobermans being fostered and adopted.  In the future, when members of our pack cross over the rainbow, we will volunteer to foster to save lives.  When the time is right, we will also adopt again from GDR.

Elli (formerly Baeya)

Adopted June 2016

I found GDR by chance, googling doberman rescues near me, but the moment I saw Elli’s picture and read her story I knew she needed us just as much as we needed her. We live in Birmingham so I called GDR, fully intending to beg for them to consider adopting to us out of state. To my surprise, the board member who answered the phone was quick to assure me that they adopt out of state regularly, and even have some foster homes in Birmingham. She also said they would find transportation to get Elli to us if we were approved! Through the application process, vet reference, and homecheck (which took about a week in all) I was so impressed with how thorough they were; it was clear they really cared about their dogs and wanted to be 100% sure we would be a good home and treat Elli right. GDR arranged a chain of volunteers to transport Elli near the stateline where we met Danielle and her husband at a park to finally meet our sweet girl. Seeing how scared she was, I fully understood all the precautions they took, GDR takes in dogs from all backgrounds and if anyone needed a second chance, it was our Elli. She was wide-eyed and fearful when she got into our car, but about an hour into the drive she started licking my face as I was driving down the road. It was like she was saying thank you for saving me. It took a few weeks of giving her space and allowing her to come to us as she slowly took in our home and learned to trust us, but each day was worth it as she rewarded us more and more with her trust and love. Now, 2 years later, Elli is the most loving and devoted dog I have ever owned. She is spoiled rotten and has brought so much love and joy into our lives. I am so thankful to GDR for allowing us to adopt her.

Amanda Travis

Captain Jack

Adopted March 2016

A little over two years ago, we adopted our first Doberman, Captain Jack, through the Georgia Doberman Rescue. Jack was 4-months old and left at the pound with his two sisters because he was born without his left eye. He could not be sold or bred with this defect. Luckily for us, Ga. Doberman rescued the three dogs and we adopted Jack from his foster mom. He is the light of our lives. His first foster mom, Tracy Burnett Estes, told us he was the sweetest, male puppy she had ever dealt with, that there was something “special” about Jack. The foster mom when we adopted him, Heather Wheeler, met us with Jack and cried as she left him with us. Heather and Tracy were our first GDR contacts and they were just the best. They answered any questions, still follow us with Jack on FB and were so honest and accurate about this special boy. We have had many large and small rescues over the last 20 years. Jack is indeed the most sensitive, intelligent, sweet boy we have ever had. Any issues (mostly health questions and training questions in the beginning) were all answered immediately through the website. All members are there for you when you need them. They support you, grieve with you when you lose a dog or your animals are ill and offer advice and referrals for all type of questions from “where are dog-friendly restaurants in Savannah” to “has your dog ever been kicked out of daycare because  he plays too rough?” Because of Suzanne Meers, who teaches at the UGA vet school, we were able to diagnose Jack’s allergy to chicken meal and start a different food all through conversation on the site or by email. I highly recommend Ga Doberman Rescue without any hesitation. It is a well-run, dedicated group of knowledgeable people who care about the Doberman breed and the people who care for their rescues.


Adopted October 2015

Four years ago we “purchased” a Doberman puppy named Ronin.  While it was love at first sight, we realized as he got older that he needed a friend his size. That’s when Georgia Doberman Rescue came into the picture.  While I support responsible breeding practices, I also love the idea of being able to bring home a Doberman, a breed we already know and love, through adoption.  I completed the application and submitted it along with the required pictures by email and received a call shortly after. The response was quick, which was awesome as I had already had my mind set that it would take weeks or months for anything to go through.  Tracy, the GDR contact at that time, called me and went over my application and asked several questions.  Based on my information she already had a Doberman in mind for us.  Moxy was a returning rescue, and  I was able to talk with her previous foster Mom. I was so encouraged by the process, and excited that she was going to fit right into our family.  Two weeks after my initial application was sent, Moxy came home to her furever family.  GDR was right, and we knew it was meant to be. She was the perfect match for us, and I always say we hit the “Doberman Adoption Jackpot” with her!


Adopted 2013
I have adopted several Dobie girls through GDR, but the first one I drove to Danielle’s to “meet and greet” was a middle-aged little lady I called Lexi.  She was somewhere around 8, but as spry as any spring chicken, and she got along well with my male, Simon, and with the cats in the house – though she did warn the cats off of her bed while she was on it (though she generously allowed them to “rent” space if it was unoccupied.)
There are multiple stories I could tell about Lexi and Simon, who grew increasingly fond of one another – causing Simon to grieve for a long time when Lexi developed a sudden and virulent form of cancer some two short years after she came to us, when she left for The Rainbow Bridge.  But she taught me much while she was with us.
My favorite lesson is that with rescue dogs, not only do you need to be patient, but sometimes you can’t rely on them learning your language – you need to learn theirs.  Although Lexi tried hard to be completely housebroken, and always looked for a place to potty in the yard on the frequent “do you have to go outside”  trips I offered, she still had some house accidents, and I couldn’t get her to vocalize that she needed a potty break, or to ring the potty bells hanging on the doorknob that Simon used when necessary.  One day, however, things started to click in my mind – DUMB ME I thought to myself, and I began to test my theory right away.
There were always a variety of toys in the house, and Lexi enjoyed them all – but there was one pink flamingo that, when she chose to play with it, she always seemed to want me to play with her!!!  RIGHT!  The next time she came to me with her pink flamingo dangling from her mouth – I asked her if she wanted to go out.  Her madly wagging little nub was my answer – and out we went.  She never had another house accident, because every time she brought me the pink flamingo, out we went.  The Language of The Toys!